AiRISTA Extends its Commitment to Customer Success Creating a Customer Experience Team


The market transition to subscription-based pricing brings a hyper-focus to customer renewal rates. The customer acquisition model has been turned upside down where the effort to retain a customer has become more important that the effort to acquire a new customer. For many companies this means a culture shift.

Nordstrom is famously held up as the example of customer satisfaction that goes over the top. In the mid-70s a customer rolled 2 tires into Nordstrom asking for a refund. As a clothing retailer, Nordstrom never sold tires. But without missing a beat the store refunded the customer for the tires. What brilliance! In exchange for $175, Nordstrom became legendary as an example.

As the RTLS market transitions to subscription models, AiRISTA uses creative approaches to technology to ensure customer success.

  1. Combine BLE and NFC in a single wrist strap for contact tracing and door access to help cruise ships return to sailing.
  2. Work with industry leading access point vendors to leverage the BLE radio and eliminate the need for BLE beacons. The integration drives costs down and allows for fast deployment.
  3. As part of AiRISTA’s “soft tag” philosophy, firmware functionality of a tag is integrated with a smart phone for healthcare providers, reducing the number of devices carried.

To further customer success, AiRISTA recently created a Customer Experience team to work with customers to squeeze very bit of value out of their solution. The team becomes the primary point of contact after deployment. Cadence calls review the customers’ use of the solution and suggests best practices to increase usefulness and adoption. The number of users of the system does not increase the cost to the customer, so the ROI increases rapidly as engaged users increase. It is expected that the Customer Experience team will be become the fastest growing part of the AiRISTA organization.

Already earning 4 and 5 star reviews according to Gartner’s Peer Review, AiRISTA has targeted a 4.9 average as its long term goal for the Unified Vision platform. Gartner Peer Reviews are available here